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Remote Radio Astronomy

In this workshop, an 18-m dish antenna will be used to carry out various radio astronomy observations.    Possible measurements include:

  •          Basic measurements of noise level and beam width
  •          The observation of radio pulsars
  •          Measurement of the distance to pulsars using the dispersion measure
  •          Observation of scintillation effects in the pulsar signal
  •          Measuring the thickness of the galaxy
  •          Measuring the rotation curve of the Milky Way
  •          Observation of 21-cm radiation from (M31) Andromeda

Although the dish can be controlled remotely and the data acquired can be transferred for local analysis, the immersion will provide the intensive and in-depth exposure to the system needed to develop labs based at home institutions.     The immersion will initially comprise tutorials on basic aspects of radio astronomy, astronomical coordinate systems, and the principles behind the measurements listed above.    As the immersion progresses, the emphasis will shift to hands-on exercises in controlling the dish and the analysis of experimental data.    We will assume that attendees are familiar with the basic aspects Python or Matlab.
