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: Teaching Undergraduate Physics Majors Multi- Media Science Communication Skills for Public Outreach
2009 Topical Conference on Advanced Laboratories
2012 BFY Conference, W20: Frontiers in Contemporary Physics Education - Gold Nanoparticle Photoabsorption Lab Experiment & Handouts
2015 AAPT-ALPhA Award - Mechanical Chaotic Oscillator
2015 BFY Proceedings
2016 AAPT-ALPhA Award - The Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect
2016 AAPT-ALPhA Award Lab Manual
2018 BFY Proceedings
2018 BFY Proceedings
532 nm Laser Lab
A Differential Thermal Analysis Apparatus for Exploring the Glass Transition
A Lab for Exploring the Precession and Nutation of a Gyroscope
A Lab to Detect Radio Pulsars Using a Remotely Accessed 18-Meter Radiotelescope
A mechanical analog of nuclear magnetic resonance
A multi-functional apparatus for alpha and beta spectroscopy utilizing a permanent ring-magnet beta spectrometer
A multi-purpose apparatus for alpha and beta spectroscopy
A New Sequence of Advanced Laboratory Courses at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
A Peer Review Writing Workshop in the Advanced Lab
A simple, inexpensive Langmuir Probe Experiment
A Spectral Analysis of Laser Induced Fluorescence of Diatomic Iodine
A summary of research-based assessment of students' beliefs about the nature of experimental physics
AAPT Advanced Laboratory Task Force Final Report
Acid Strong Base Titrations JS Model
Acid Strong Base Titrations Model
Active learning in intermediate optics through class tutorials and concept building laboratories
Adiabatic Processes
Advanced Lab Listserv
Advanced Labs
AJP Guest Editorial: What happened to the Advanced Lab?
An Arduino-Based Alternative to the Traditional Electronics Laboratory
An Examination of Quantized Conductance in Nanowires
An Intensive Short Course on Atomic-Force Microscopy
An Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy
An Introduction to the Lock-In Amplifier and a Mie Scattering Experiment
An Introduction to the Lock-In Amplifier and a Mie Scattering Experiment
An Optics Laboratory Module on Image Formation, Aberrations, and Lens Design
An undergraduate laboratory experiment on quantized conductance in nanocontacts
Angular Correlation of Gammas
Assessing modeling in the lab: Uncertainty and measurement
Background on Cell Motion
Band Structure and Electrical Conductivity in Semiconductors
Beyond Diffraction: Extending Labs for Student Autonomy
Blackbody Radiation and the Solar Photosphere Temperature
Boltzmann Machine Model
Boston University Physics Labs: Graphical Analysis
Brownian Motion
BYU Optics Education
CAEN Educational: Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments
Case Study on How to Develop 3D Labs with Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Goals
Chaos - Chaotic Pendulum Experiment
Chaos and Non-Linear Physics
Chaotic Electric Circuit Explorer
Comparing Electronic and Traditional Lab Notebooks in the Advanced Lab
Compton Scattering
Compton Scattering of Cs-137 Gamma Rays
Cosmic Ray Statistics using LabVIEW
Counting Statistics
Creating, implementing, and sustaining an advanced optical spectroscopy laboratory course
Curricular resources for writing in physics research course sequence
Data Tool JS
DeskCATTM: a multi-slice optical scanner for teaching CT and SPECT imaging physics
Determining the index of refraction using the Pfundt method
Developing skills versus reinforcing concepts in physics labs: Insight from a survey of students’ beliefs about experimental physics
Deybe-Sears Effect
Differential X-Ray Absorption JS Model
Differential X-Ray Absorption Model
DNA electrophoresis
Doppler Free Laser Spectroscopy
Doppler-free Laser Spectroscopy
Double Pendulum Tracker Experiment
Dynamic Light Scattering
Dynamics of a Sliding Ladder using Tracker
Effectiveness of flipped classroom techniques in an advanced laboratory physics course
Ejs Lagrange Top Model
EJS Measurements with Phidgets: Solar Collector
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Electron Spin Resonance
Experiment on diffusion in aqueous solutions
Experimenting from a Distance: Remote Controlled Lab experiments for teaching Physics at High-school
Exploring the Rotating Reference Frame in Off-Resonance Pulsed NMR
Faraday Optical Rotation
Faraday's Effect
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) module for advanced undergraduate laboratories
Forked diffraction pattern
Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Visible Range
From a Low Cost Spectrograph to a High Resolution Spectrograph
Gamma Cross Sections
Gamma Spectroscopy
Getting Started with Tracker Tutorial
Granular Materials
Graphical Approach to Multi-slit Interference Analysis
Hall Effect
Heat Capacity
Heat-Flow System Control Model
Helium Spectrum Analysis
High Tc Superconductors
Holographic Real-Time Imaging of Standing Waves in Gases
Hydrogen Spectrum, Mass of the Deuteron
I suddenly have to move my lab course online!
I2 spectroscopy with diode laser & HeNe linewidth measurement
Ideal Gas Laws
Improvement or selection? A longitudinal analysis of students’ views about experimental physics in their lab courses
Improving Students' Understanding of Lock-In Amplifiers
Infra-red Absorption in Semi-conductors
Integrating Commercial Solar Panels in the Physics Curriculum
Interferometric Faraday effect magnetic field measurements
Interferometric Faraday effect magnetic field measurements
Interferometric Faraday effect magnetic field measurements
Introducing Students to Nonlinear Model Fitting with Jupyter Notebooks Through a Quantitative Diffraction Experiment
Introducing students to single photon detection with a reverse-biased LED in avalanche mode
Investigating student ownership of projects in an upper-division physics lab course
Investigation Of The Bragg-Snell Law In Photonic Crystals
Investigation of Vortex Light Produced by Diffraction Gratings
Javaoptics Package
Johnson Noise and Shot Noise
Johnson NoiseCircuit Update
Laser Cooling and Trapping
Laser spectroscopy and a home-built laser diode
Lebow Company - A commercial source for specialty filters, thin films, and ultrathin foils
LEDP - Laboratory Equipment Donation Program
Lessons Learned from Five Years of Student Self-directed Experimental Projects in the Advanced Lab
Light Intensity, Blackbody Radiation and the Stefan-Boltzmann Law.
Lighting the Fire
Limits of Precision in the Balmer Lines Spectroscopy Lab
Lock-in Amplifier Tutorial
Low-Cost Capacitance Profiling of a Semiconductor
Low-Cost Coincidence Counting Apparatus For Single Photon Optics Investigations
Maker Lab course materials
Maxima: A Computer Algebra System
Michelson Interferometry
Micro-ESR As A Laboratory Teaching Tool
Micropipette Calibrations
Microscopy and Cell Motility
Millikan Oil Drop Experiment JS
MIT: Experimental Physics I & II
Modern Undergraduate Quantum Mechanics Experiments
Molecular Imaging PicoSubstrates
Mössbauer Effect
Motor Control with Phidgets
Multimode fiber optics
Multiple Slit Diffraction Model
Muon Decay Experiment
Muon Experiment
Nonlinear Dynamics on the Cheap in the Junior Laboratory
Normal Modes
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Field Measurements
NuDat (Nuclear Structure and Decay Data)
Observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background
On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research
Open-ended versus guided laboratory activities: Impact on students’ beliefs about experimental physics
Optical Faraday Rotation AJP Article
Optical Trapping
Optical Tweezer
Optical Tweezers
Optics CCLI Project: Improving Conceptual Understanding and Complex Problem Solving Skills in Intermediate Optics
Optics using matrix representation
Ortec: AN34 Experiment 1 - Basic ID in Electronic Measurement Systems
Ortec: AN34 Experiment 2 - Geiger Counting
Ortec: AN34 Experiment 3 - Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Using NaI(Tl)
Ortec: AN34 Supplement - NIM and CAMAC Electronics Standards and Definitions
Oscillations Experiments and Tutorials for Classical Mechanics
Oscillations Experiments for Classical Mechanics
Paraxial ray optics cloaking
Particle Physics with Low Cost SiPM Based Detectors
PhET: Physics Education Technology
Photoelectric Effect Model
Photon Quantum Mechanics
Physics for the 21st Century
Physics of Light and Optics
PhysPort: Research-Based Assessments
Polarization Studies of 3D Photonic Crystals Using Transmission and Reflection Experiments
Portland State Biomedical Physics: Computed Tomography
Precision Roller
Preparing DNA or microtubule AFM samples
Primer on the Lock-in Amplifier
Qualitative investigation of students’ views about experimental physics
Quantifying critical thinking: Development and validation of the physics lab inventory of critical thinking
Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Laboratory
Quantum Oscillations
QuVis: Density Matrices for a Two-Level Spin System
QuVis: The University of St Andrews Quantum Mechanics Visualisation project
Ratio of Specific Heats of Gases
RCL - Remotely Controlled Laboratories
Research-Based Assessment of Students’ Beliefs about Experimental Physics: When is Gender a Factor?
Rocking Semicircular Hoop Model
Saving and Sharing Tracker Experiments Tutorial
Savitsky-Golay Filters
Screening Electric Fields using a Tube of Water: The Transition from Conductive to Dielectric Screening
SEI: Advanced Laboratory Course Materials
Sequential Introduction of Data Analysis Methods in the Modern Lab
Servo Motor Position and Velocity Control Model
Simple undergraduate lab experiment showing the quantized conductance of nanocontacts
Special Functions Model
Spectroscopy and Light Scattering
Spin Noise Spectroscopy in Rb Vapor
Spin Noise Spectroscopy in Rb Vapor
Statistical Analysis of Data
Stern-Gerlach Filters That Select Spin-up Electrons
Students' and Instructor's Impressions of Ill-structured Capstone Projects in an Advanced Electronics Lab
Students’ epistemologies about experimental physics: Validating the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for experimental physics
Students’ views about the nature of experimental physics
Studying Phase Transition With a Strain Gage
Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs)
Surface Plasmon Resonance Laboratory
Surface Plasmons
Swinging Atwood's Machine Model
Synthesis and Ferroelectric Properties of KNO3 Films
Teaching the concepts of measurement: An example of a concept-based laboratory course
Technical Competencies – A Versatile Framework for Learning Practical Knowledge
Temperature Dependent Lifetime Measurements of Fluorescence from a Phosphor
Temperature Measurement with Phidgets
Temperature oscillations in a metal: Probing aspects of Fourier analysis
The Digital MultiMeter
The Magnetic Pendulum
The Thermographic Phosphor Labkit
Think First, Act Later - A Course Structure for Improving Student Designed Experiments
Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling JS
Tracker Video Modeling with Spreadsheets
Tracking Brownian motion through video microscopy
Transforming the advanced lab: Part I - Learning goals
Transient Heat Conduction
Transmission Lines
Tunneling in Thin-film Superconductors
Tutorials on thinking about quantum entities
Uncertainties in Measurements
Uncertainty Propagation in Modern Physics Lab
Undergraduate Advanced Laboratory Studies on Supersonic Nozzle Flow
Using Digilent’s Basys3 FPGA board with LabVIEW for single-photon counting
Using Split-Ring Resonators to Measure Complex Permittivity and Permeability
Using XBee Radios for Wireless Acceleration Measurements
Verilog Programming Exercises
Vernier Caliper Model
W20: Frontiers in Contemporary Physics Education - The Pedagogy
Wave optics and interferometry
Witnessing Entanglement
X-ray Diffraction
X-ray Diffraction Manual
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry for materials analysis and discovering "the atomic number"
X-Ray Imaging JS Model
X-Ray Imaging Model
X-Ray Spectrum JS Model
X-Ray Spectrum Model
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