published by
the Optica
written by
Joseph Choi and Joseph Howell
Despite much interest and progress in optical spatial cloaking, a three-dimensional (3D), transmitting, continuously multi-directional cloak in the visible regime has not yet been demonstrated. Here we experimentally demonstrate such a cloak using ray optics, albeit with some edge effects. Our device requires no new materials, uses isotropic off-the-shelf optics, scales easily to cloak arbitrarily large objects, and is as broadband as the choice of optical material, all of which have been challenges for current cloaking schemes. In addition, we provide a concise formalism that quantifies and produces perfect optical cloaks in the small-angle ('paraxial') limit.
J. Choi and J. Howell, , Opt. Express 22 (24), 29465 (2014), WWW Document, (
J. Choi and J. Howell, Paraxial ray optics cloaking, Opt. Express 22 (24), 29465 (2014), <>.
Choi, J., & Howell, J. (2014, November 18). Paraxial ray optics cloaking. Opt. Express, 22(24), 29465-29478. Retrieved January 24, 2025, from
%0 Journal Article %A Choi, Joseph %A Howell, Joseph %D November 18, 2014 %T Paraxial ray optics cloaking %J Opt. Express %I Optica %V 22 %N 24 %P 29465-29478 %8 November 18, 2014 %U
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