Poster Presentation Guidelines

The Thursday and Friday morning contributed sessions are posters only presentations.

Each poster session author will be provided with a 4' x 4' poster board and a 3' x 15" table beneath it to hold handouts or a laptop. People bringing lab equipment with their posters will have a 30' deep table in front of their poster board. The board will indicate the poster number in upper right or left corner.

Authors are responsible for mounting their own material at least one hour prior to the opening of the session and for removing it. Posters left up past the deadlines below will be discarded at the end of the conference. Posters for the Thursday morning poster session may be mounted on Wednesday evening until 7 pm or starting at 7:30 am on Thursday morning. Please remove your poster by 6:30 pm. Posters can be left rolled up in the display room. Posters for the Friday morning session may be mounted on Thursday evening from 8:30-10:00 pm or starting at 7:00 am on Friday morning. Computers not should be left overnight. Equipment and posters must be removed by 2pm on Saturday afternoon.

All illustrations, charts, etc., to be posted should be prepared in advance as materials for these purposes will not be available at the meeting site. We will provide a reasonable supply of pushpins. There is a FedEx Kinko's Office Print Center at 530 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor, MI (800) 463-3339,a short walking distance from our meeting location. Kinko's will need at least three days to print your poster from a .pdf format. Many of Thursday's posters can be effectively done in black & white, saving a lot of money on printing. Given the high cost, use your own best judgment on using color with you poster if you are printing it with a commercial company.

A poster should be no larger than 44" in either dimension (see Page Setup under the File menu in PowerPoint). Each poster must include text in a large enough font (~20 point font) to be read easily by attendees from a distance of 4 to 5 feet or more. Lettering on illustrations should be large and legible. Photographs should be a minimum of 5 x 7 inches. Material should be displayed in logical sequence (introduction, development, conclusion) and each sheet should be numbered in the order that you hope people will read your poster.

The .pdf format of your poster should be submitted online by 11:29 pm, July 20, for use in the conference proceedings document. This poster will also be posted on-line. Please use the following convention when naming your file: LastnameFirstinitialN.pdf, where N is the session number--so Jane Doe's poster for session IX would be: DoeJ9.pdf.

If you would like a template PowerPoint poster to work with, two examples are shown here:

If you would like some suggestions on how to produce an effective poster, please try these web sites.