2015 Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College Schedule
The following is the schedule for the 2015 Topical Conference on Advanced Laboratories.
Last Updated: July 12, 2015
Main meeting location: John S. Toll Physics Building
Tuesday, July 21 |
Check-in desk open (Physics Lobby)
Wednesday, July 22 |
Check-in desk open (Physics Lobby)
Welcome / opening remarks (1410 Physics)
Session I: Plenary speakers/panel discussion (1410 Physics)
Implementing the AAPT Recommendations for the Undergraduate Physics Lab
Invited Speakers: Ben Zwickl (Rochester Institute of Technology) & Joe Kozminski (Lewis University)
Panelists: Melissa Eblen-Zayas (Carleton), Heather Lewandowski (University of Colorado, Boulder), & Randy Tagg (University of Colorado, Denver) |
9:15-9:30 |
Coffee Break
Session II: Plenary speakers (1410 Physics)
Teaching Written and Visual Communication in Lab Courses
Invited Talk: “The Laboratory Report as a Rhetorical Act” Cary Moskovitz (Duke)
Invited Talk: “Visually Communicating Scientific Concepts, Data, and Results” Kelly Martin (Rochester Institute of Technology) |
Session III: Contributed poster session I (Lobby, Physical Science Complex)
Box lunch (Lobby, Physical Science Complex)
Session IV: Round-robin “short” (40 min.) experiment workshops (rounds 1-3) (3rd floor Physics labs)
1:00-1:40 pm 1:55-2:35 pm 2:50-3:30 pm |
Coffee break
Session V: Round-robin “short” (40 min.) experiment workshops (rounds 4-6) (3rd floor Physics labs)
4:00-4:40 pm 4:55-5:35 pm 5:50-6:30 pm |
Dinner (Looney's Pub, 8150 Baltimore Ave.)
Thursday, July 23 |
Session VI: Plenary speakers (1410 Physics)
Crafting Better Student Experiences in Lab Courses
Invited Talk: “Flipping the Prelab to Optimize Student Preparedness and Lab Time” Suzanne Amador Kane (Haverford College)
Invited Talk: “A Sabbatical “Immersion” to Rebuild Advanced Labs” Anne Cox (Eckerd College) |
9:00-9:15 |
Coffee Break
Session VII: Round-robin “short” (40 min.) experiment workshops (rounds 7-9) (3rd floor Physics labs)
9:15-9:55 am 10:10-10:50 am 11:05-11:45 am |
Box lunch (Lobby, Physical Science Complex)
Session VIII: Round-robin “short” (40 min.) experiment workshops (rounds 10-12) (3rd floor Physics labs)
1:00-1:40 pm 1:55-2:35 pm 2:50-3:30 pm |
3:30-4:00 |
Coffee break
Session IV: Breakout discussions (Physical Science Complex, Computer and Space Sciences)
BFY labs on Electronics BFY labs on Optics/lasers BFY labs on statistical physics/thermodynamics/soft matter labs Developing student experimental skills Instruction in writing and revision in the advanced lab Labs on a limited budget Resources/ideas for new advanced laboratory instructors Teaching modern physics / sophomore-physics lab Teaching uncertainty and statistical analysis |
Session X: Plenary speakers (1410 Physics)
Innovation, Mentoring and Career Paths
Invited Talk: “Open Labs for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Physics” Duncan L Carlsmith (University of Wisconsin)
Invited Talk: “Thinking of Laboratory Experiences as Mentoring Opportunities” Chandra Turpen (University of Maryland, College Park)
Invited Talk: “Breaking the Myth of the 'Non-Traditional' Physicist: Preparing Physics Graduates for the Real World of Employment” Crystal Bailey (American Physical Society)
Session XI: Contributed poster session #2, with heavy hors d’oeuvres (Lobby, Physical Science Complex)
Friday, July 24 |
Session XII: Plenary speakers (1410 Physics)
Funding and Community Support for Upper Level Lab Endeavors
Invited Talk: “External Support for Advanced Labs” Dick Peterson (Bethel) & Gabe Spalding (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Panel: “Update on AlPhA-related Initiatives and Programs”
Open Forum Discussion: “Strengthening our BFY Community” |
9:30-9:45 |
Coffee Break
Session XIII: Breakout discussions (Physical Science Complex, Computer and Space Sciences)
BFY labs on condensed matter/materials/nano BFY labs on quantum optics/photon-based quantum mechanics labs Bio-related BFY labs in physics Communicating Experimental Results Developing student experimental skills Labs on a limited budget Laboratory assessment beyond the first year Mentoring projects Teaching uncertainty and statistical analysis |
Session XIV: PIRA Advanced Demo Show (1410 Physics)
Concluding remarks and Box lunch (Atrium, Chemistry Building)
Informal conversations, free time with vendors (Physics)