Name |
Primary Contact |
Type |
Case study on how to develop 3D labs with theoretical, experimental, and computational goals |
Ashley Carter |
Invited Presentation |
Experimental Design in Curricular Laboratories |
Melissa Eblen-Zayas |
Invited Presentation |
Give, Take, and Connect: The AAPT Laboratory Recommendations as a Framework for Community Progress |
Ernest Behringer |
Invited Presentation |
Implementing Computation Across the Curriculum |
Todd Zimmerman |
Invited Presentation |
Instructors’ values and practices are integral to PER in labs |
Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer |
Invited Presentation |
It’s not just about the experiment: The role of computation in laboratory instruction |
Marcos D. Caballero |
Invited Presentation |
Optics and lasers advanced laboratories |
Chad Hoyt |
Invited Presentation |
Pop-Up Classes: a non-traditional way to introduce technical skills |
Linda Barton |
Invited Presentation |
3d printed low budget spectrographs |
Timothy Grove |
Poster |
A Senior Level Lab Demonstrating the Utility of AFM |
Kurt Vandervoort |
Poster |
A large scale, problem based, advanced experimental physics lab program. |
Lars Hellberg |
Poster |
A new photon lab: Mimicking Eve in quantum key distribution |
Enrique J. Galvez |
Poster |
Acting like an experimentalist: Transforming post-lab reports into in-lab notebooks |
Greg Severn |
Poster |
Apparatus for measuring the speed of an electrical signal in a coaxial cable |
Mark Masters |
Poster |
BSY (Beyond Sophomore Year) Labs without an Advanced Lab class? |
Anne J Cox |
Poster |
Building a Low-Cost Earth’s Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer in the Advanced Lab |
Steven W. Morgan |
Poster |
Challenges with proposing causes for unexpected experimental results |
Laura Ríos |
Poster |
Creating a Nitinol Engine To Study the Thermodynamic Cycle |
Robert D. Polak |
Poster |
Developing a Laboratory Practice Assessment for the Design, Analysis, Tools, and Apprenticeship (DATA) Laboratory |
Rachel Henderson |
Poster |
Development of a high-resolution time coincidence counter using a Cypress PSoC chip |
Eric Ayars |
Poster |
Examining Student Understanding of Bipolar-Junction Transistor Circuits* |
Kevin L Van De Bogart |
Poster |
Experimental Quantum Mechanics |
Stephanie Rosenthal |
Poster |
Graphical Approach to Multi-slit Interference Analysis |
Patricia E Allen |
Poster |
Hyperfine Structure in Rubidium |
R. Seth Smith |
Poster |
Initial Impacts of the transformation of a large Introductory lab course focused on developing experimental skills and expert epistemology |
Heather J. Lewandowski |
Poster |
Introducing Students to Biophysics with a Centrifuge Force Microscope |
Tristan Stark |
Poster |
Lessons learned from five years of student self-directed experimental projects in the advanced lab |
Ryan Terrien |
Poster |
Limits of precision in the Balmer lines spectroscopy lab |
Timothy Roach |
Poster |
Low Cost Apparatus for Measuring the Speed of Light |
Ian Bearden |
Poster |
Measuring surface tension with capillary waves |
Jeffrey Wagner |
Poster |
Modeling the effect of air intake aperture size on the muzzle velocity of a ping pong ball cannon |
Derek Thuecks |
Poster |
Muon Experiments, Beyond the Turnkey |
Brett Fadem |
Poster |
Musical Acoustics Demos with an Impedance Probe |
Herbert Jaeger |
Poster |
New Developments of DeskCATTM: A Multi-Slice Optical Scanner for Teaching CT and SPECT Imaging Principles |
J.J. Battista |
Poster |
Physics Experiments for an Introductory Electronics Course |
Everett Ramer |
Poster |
Physics experiment teaching integrated with virtual-reality technology |
Yan Cen |
Poster |
Polarization studies of 3D photonic crystals using transmission and reflection experiments |
Shabbir Mian |
Poster |
Quantifying Superconductivity Through Magnetic Force-Distance Measurements using 3D Printers |
Mark Freeman |
Poster |
Student ownership of laboratory projects and attitudes about experimental physics |
Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer |
Poster |
Targeting Student Design and Modeling Skills Using Coupled Oscillators |
Alastair McLean |
Poster |
Teaching Self-Reliance in the Electronics Lab: One Approach |
Michelle Milne |
Poster |
The Covariance Matrix and Jacobian in Error Propagation |
Robert DeSerio |
Poster |
The Impacts of ALPhA's Laboratory Immersion Program |
Lowell McCann |
Poster |
Think first, act later - A course structure for improving student designed experiments |
Nathan Powers |
Poster |
Using Arduinos for Interdisciplinary Student Projects |
Will Roach |
Poster |
Verifying Moseley's law with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy or x-ray fluorescence |
Michele McColgan |
Poster |
Videos in the Intermediate Laboratories |
Nicole Ackerman |
Poster |
Views about Experimental Physics in a Large Introductory Laboratory Course |
Benjamin Pollard |
Poster |
What counts in laboratories: Toward a practice-based identity survey |
Kelsey Funkhouser |
Poster |
W01: Mechanical Chaotic Oscillator |
Eric Ayars |
Workshop |
W02: An Advanced Lab Python Data Analysis and Uncertainty Exercise |
David Bailey |
Workshop |
W03 Low Cost Gamma Ray Spectrometers |
Ian Bearden |
Workshop |
W04: Investigating Hydrodynamic Instabilities Using Table-Top Experiments |
Daniel Borrero-Echeverry |
Workshop |
W05: Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Fluorescence |
Daniel Boye |
Workshop |
W06: Transient Heat Conduction in a Rod: Priceless Skills for $25 |
Jed Brody |
Workshop |
W07: Acoustic Trapping |
Ashley R. Carter |
Workshop |
W08: Chaotic Pendulum Experiment |
Robert DeSerio |
Workshop |
W09: Paschen’s Law Experiment |
Arturo Dominguez |
Workshop |
W10: Thermoelectric Effect and Applications-An Electronics ‘Final Project’ Experiment |
Khalid Eid |
Workshop |
W11: Particle Physics with Low Cost SiPM Based Detectors |
Brett Fadem |
Workshop |
W12: X-Ray Fluorescence & Moseley's Law |
Lorcan M. Folan |
Workshop |
W13: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for an advanced undergraduate (biophysics) lab course |
Nancy Forde |
Workshop |
W14: Quantitative analysis of Fraunhofer diffraction patterns: an exercise in model fitting, optics, and electronics |
Jerome Fung |
Workshop |
W15: Single-Photon Experiments and the Quantum Eraser |
Enrique J. Galvez |
Workshop |
W16: Shoebox Spectrographs (Dirt cheap light/spectroscopy labs) |
Timothy Grove |
Workshop |
W17: Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW |
Doug Harper |
Workshop |
W18: Uncertainty Propagation in Modern Physics Lab |
George Hassel |
Workshop |
W19: Measurement of the Acoustic Impedance of an Air Column |
Herbert Jaeger |
Workshop |
W20: Alpha Particle Energy Loss in Air |
Robert Knobel |
Workshop |
W21: Fiber optics at the intermediate and advanced levels |
Mary Lowe |
Workshop |
W22: Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Visible Range |
Jenny Magnes |
Workshop |
W23: A Lab to Detect Radio Pulsars |
Daniel Marlow |
Workshop |
W24: SPAD Circuit Construction and Pulse Counting with the Teensy Microcontroller |
Jonathan Newport |
Workshop |
W25: Soap Films: optics and colloidal interactions |
Greg Putman |
Workshop |
W26: Speed of light using a pulsed diode laser |
Timothy Roach |
Workshop |
W27: Flexible resources for supporting student conceptual understanding of diode circuits in electronics courses* |
MacKenzie R. Stetzer |
Workshop |
W28: Thermal Diffusion in Cylindrical Rods: Measuring Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity |
Matthew C. Sullivan |
Workshop |
W29: Teaching Digital Concepts with FPGAs in an Advanced Lab: Frequency Counters |
Kurt Wick |
Workshop |
W30: Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments |
Cristina Mattone |
Workshop |
W31: Nuclear Imaging Introduction |
Cristina Mattone |
Workshop |
W32: Entanglion Game and Quantum Optics Demo |
Rik van Gorsel |
Workshop |
W33: Spatial Light Modulator Educational Kit Workshop |
Marc Murphy |
Workshop |
W34: Resistivity: 23 Orders of Magnitude on your desk, simplified Van Der Pauw & more |
Mark Zimmerman |
Workshop |
W35: Measuring the Dielectric Properties of Materials |
Arthur Lizotte |
Workshop |
W36: Digital Laue Diagrams with an X-ray Apparatus |
Ray Saper |
Workshop |
W37: Moku:Lab for radio wave demodulation and examples of feedback control |
Jacob Gamble |
Workshop |
W38: Arduino & MATLAB for teaching theory, experiment, and computation |
Paul Kassebaum |
Workshop |
W39: Medical Imaging hands on Computed Tomography with DeskCATTM-interactive lab & classroom demonstration without irradiating the students |
John Miller |
Workshop |
W40: Atomic Force Microscopy in Materials Science: nanomechanics and nanotribology |
Edward Nelson |
Workshop |
W41: Three Effects: Hall, Photoelectric, and Zeeman |
Ann Hanks |
Workshop |
W42: High-Speed Cameras for Slow Motion Analysis |
Jennifer Fenlason |
Workshop |
W43: High-Speed Polarization Demo |
Jennifer Fenlason |
Workshop |
W44: Classical mechanics using Quantum Levitation flexible track |
Boaz Almog |
Workshop |
W45: Superconductivity, flux pinning and levitation |
Boaz Almog |
Workshop |
W46: Quantum Mechanics Workshop |
Stephanie Rosenthal |
Workshop |
W47: Magnetic Susceptibility and the Periodic Table |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W48: The Hall Effect and the Sign of Charge Carriers |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W49: Harmonic Motion, Damped, Driven, and Self-Oscillating |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W50: Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy by Optical Pumping |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W51: Measuring the elementary charge e via Shot Noise |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W52: Earth’s-Field NMR and the Proton Magnetic Moment |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W53: Pulsed-NMR Spectroscopy and 1-d Imaging |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W54: Ultra-high resolution diode-laser spectroscopy |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W55: Honing 'quantum intuition' with sound waves in confined geometries |
David Van Baak |
Workshop |
W56: Diode Laser Pumped Nd:YAG Frequency Doubling |
Ray Saper |
Workshop |