2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: W49: Harmonic Motion, Damped, Driven, and Self-Oscillating
Abstract: This experiment uses TeachSpin's Torsional Oscillator apparatus to illustrate some classic properties of simple harmonic motion.  This apparatus, using motion in an angular coordinate, gives a near-perfect realization of simple harmonic motion, damped by a v1 friction law, and generates analog output waveforms directly comparable to theory.  The apparatus also accommodates a driving torque, so a drive by an externally-generated sinusoid permits the detection of the famous 'resonant peak', including the phase shift exhibited near resonance.  Finally, the addition of new Auxiliary Electronics allows excitation of the oscillator by a waveform derived from it, so that the oscillator can run autonomously, at its own resonant frequency, as a 'torsional clock'.
Abstract Type: Workshop

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: David Van Baak
TeachSpin, Inc.