2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: W21: Fiber optics at the intermediate and advanced levels
Abstract: We have developed two levels of instructional materials to teach students the physics of fiber optics and its applications in medicine. Level 1 is intended for introductory and intermediate students of physics. The module integrates medical case studies, hands-on activities, direct instruction and problem solving. Building on basic geometric optics, Level 1 extends student learning in fiber optics to principles of illumination, numerical aperture and coupling, wave guides, loss, and viewing with a fiberscope and endoscope. Level 2 is designed for advanced students interested in working with industrial optical fibers and components, and concentrates on the physics and experimental techniques of coupling laser light into a 200 um fiber.  Topics include numerical aperture, coupling, beam waist due to diffraction and spherical aberration, optical alignment techniques, measurement methods, overfilling and underfilling of fibers, skew rays, and loss. Our materials have been classroom-tested multiple times; student guides and instructors' guides are available for much of the material.
Abstract Type: Workshop

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Mary Lowe
Loyola University Maryland
Physics Department
4501 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Phone: 410-617-2709
and Co-Presenter(s)
Co-authors: Alex Spiro and Nancy Donaldson

Workshop Documents

Workshop Doc 1: Download the Workshop Doc 1
Workshop Doc 2: Download the Workshop Doc 2
Workshop Doc 3: Download the Workshop Doc 3
Workshop Doc 4: Download the Workshop Doc 4
Workshop Doc 5: Download the Workshop Doc 5