2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: W11: Particle Physics with Low Cost SiPM Based Detectors
Abstract: Muon experiments are among the simplest and most direct means of making contact with topics in high energy physics. The muon lifetime experiment, for example, has been a staple of the advanced lab for decades. Muon counting experiments, in general, have enjoyed renewed attention in recent years, in part due to new detector designs that replace conventional photomultiplier tubes with solid state silicon photomultipliers.  

Participants will work with muon counters that students can build to conduct muon counting coincidence experiments. Associated student activities include student design of data acquisition electronics, computer simulation of muon counting rates, and the development of software for data acquisition.
Abstract Type: Workshop
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brett Fadem
Muhlenberg College
2400 Chew Street
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: 4846643410