2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: W01: Mechanical Chaotic Oscillator
Abstract: We have built a microcontroller-based mechanical chaotic oscillator suitable for Physics Advanced Lab use that allows complete control of all system parameters including drive frequency, drive amplitude, static field, rotational inertia, and damping parameter.
The on-board microcontroller synthesizes the drive signal, tracks position and time, and reports at synchronized intervals suitable for generation of multiple Poincare plots over an entire drive cycle.
Control and communication is managed via USB through IEEE 488.2-compatible commands, making the instrument easily usable with LabVIEW or any other serial-capable language.
The instrument can be constructed inexpensively with tools and construction techniques readily available to advanced undergraduates in Physics.
Abstract Type: Workshop

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Eric Ayars
California State University, Chico
Campus Box 202
Department of Physics
Chico, CA 95929
Phone: 530-898-6259