2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: W02: An Advanced Lab Python Data Analysis and Uncertainty Exercise
Abstract: This workshop demonstrates a start-of-term assignment designed to help students with a range of backgrounds become familiar with some of the issues they may face in analyzing advanced lab data.  The exercise forces students to think about the random and systematic uncertainties that exist for even the simplest of measurements, ensures they can fit data with random and systematic uncertainties in both x and y, and asks them to make and justify a judgement on which models are consistent with their data.
Sample exercise sheets and all Python code needed to generate and analyse the data will be provided.  Participants may wish to bring their own laptops with a Python installation that includes numpy, scipy, and matplotlib.  Each workshop participant will make a few measurements with a ruler, and these measurements will be combined, analyzed, and discussed.
Abstract Type: Workshop

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: David Bailey
University of Toronto
Physics Dept.
60 St. George Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 1A7, Non U.S.

Workshop Documents

Workshop Doc 1: Download the Workshop Doc 1
Workshop Doc 2: Download the Workshop Doc 2
Workshop Doc 3: Download the Workshop Doc 3
Workshop Doc 4: Download the Workshop Doc 4
Workshop Doc 5: Download the Workshop Doc 5