2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Teaching Self-Reliance in the Electronics Lab: One Approach
Abstract: One goal of our 300-level Physics Electronics course is to guide students towards being self-reliant in the lab.  To that end, one assignment of the course has the students designing, building, troubleshooting, and demonstrating to their classmates a semester-long group project of their choosing. The only requirement is that the project must incorporate a microcontroller (in our case, an Arduino Uno); the rest of the project is left to the students' imagination and ingenuity. The majority of the work on the project is done outside of class without professor supervision. I will discuss how the course is scaffolded to guide students towards independence, managing group dynamics, student reception to the projects, as well as some unexpected benefits (and difficulties!).
Abstract Type: Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Michelle Milne
St. Mary's College of Maryland
47645 College Drive
St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3001

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