2018 BFY III Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Experimental Quantum Mechanics
Abstract: Quantum mechanics seeks to understand the true nature of particles and energy.

How can particles be both waves and discrete particles at different times? How can a single particle be in two places simultaneously? These are a few of the questions that quantum theory addresses. Its development over the last century represents one of Science's greatest achievements. But, in the absence of hands-on experiments that build intuition with quantum phenomena, translating this theoretical breakthrough into real-world applications has proven difficult. The Quantum Mechanics Lab Kit eliminates this barrier by providing an education and research tool for both students and scientists alike. Finally, the power of quantum mechanics can be experienced and understood by all.
Abstract Type: Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Stephanie Rosenthal
Qubitekk, Inc.
1216 Liberty Way
Ste A
Vista, CA 92081
and Co-Presenter(s)
Marisol Beck, Qubitekk, Inc. mbeck -at- qubitekk.com

Presentation Documents

Contributed Poster: Download the Contributed Poster