Name |
Primary Contact |
Type |
W01 - Real-time 2D heat flow data as an introduction to what Arduinos can do in your lab |
Eric Ayars |
Workshop |
W02 - Nanoparticle Scattering of Polarized Light |
Ernie Behringer |
Workshop |
W03 - Using split-ring resonators to measure the electromagnetic properties of materials: An experiment for senior physics undergraduates |
Jake Bobowski |
Workshop |
W04 - An Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy |
Nancy Burnham |
Workshop |
W05 - Make your own DNA or microtubule AFM samples |
Ashley Carter |
Workshop |
W06 - Multidirectional Invisibility with Rays of Light - a “Rochester Cloak” |
Joseph Choi |
Workshop |
W08 - Chaotic pendulum: the complete attractor |
Bob DeSerio |
Workshop |
W09 - Paschen’s Law Experiment |
Arturo Dominguez |
Workshop |
W10 - Parametric Down Conversion Demo for Public and Undergraduate Use |
Emily Edwards |
Workshop |
W11 - Electrostatic Dust Trap |
Emily Edwards |
Workshop |
W12 - Quantized Conductance: A Contemporary Physics Experiment on the Wave-Particle Duality of Electrons |
Khalid Eid |
Workshop |
W13 - Low-Cost Capacitance Profiling of a Semiconductor |
John Essick |
Workshop |
W14 - Shoebox Spectrographs (Low-Cost Light and Spectroscopy Experiments) |
Timothy Grove |
Workshop |
W15 - An erbium-doped femtosecond fiber laser for the undergraduate laboratory |
Chad Hoyt |
Workshop |
W16 - Developing Scientific Writing Skills through Participation in JAUPLI |
Joe Kozminski |
Workshop |
W17 - Medical Imaging: Teaching about the Gamma Camera and Ultrasound Imaging |
Mary Lowe |
Workshop |
W18 - Using PSoCs in the Advanced Laboratory |
Mark Masters |
Workshop |
W19 - Using an LED as a Low-Efficiency Single Photon Avalanche Diode |
Lowell McCann |
Workshop |
W20 - Rethinking Lab Writing Assignments |
Cary Moskovitz |
Workshop |
W21 - Brownian Motion: Measuring Avogadro’s Constant for $70 |
Beth Parks |
Workshop |
W22 - Compton Scattering of Cs-137 Gamma Rays |
Jim Parks |
Workshop |
W23 - Python Instrument Control System: Pythics |
Everett Ramer |
Workshop |
W25 - Fundamentals of low-noise electrical measurements: Ground loops, interference, shielding, etc. |
Walter Smith |
Workshop |
W26 - Stellar Photometry and Spectroscopy in the physics lab room |
Shawn Langan |
Workshop |
W27 - Engaging in the Advanced Lab with Interactive Videos |
Keith Stein |
Workshop |
W28 - On-demand modular learning of practical knowledge |
Randy Tagg |
Workshop |
W29 - Introduction to FPGAs |
Matt Vonk |
Workshop |
W30 - FPGA in the Advanced Lab |
Kurt Wick |
Workshop |
W31 - Diffusion in Microfluidic Structures |
Steve Wonnell |
Workshop |
W32 - Torsional Oscillator, Noise, and a Spectrum Analyzer – What can Fourier Analysis reveal when you drive the system with noise? |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W33 - Fourier Methods |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W34 - Noise Fundamentals, JN– Using Johnson-noise to measure the Boltzmann Constant |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W35 - Noise Fundamentals, SN – Using Shot Noise to find “e” the Charge on the Electron |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W36 - Pulsed/CW NMR – Using Spin Echoes to find Spin-Spin Relaxation Times |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W37 - Pulsed/CW NMR – One-Dimensional Imaging, a glimpse of MRI physics |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W38 - Diode-Laser Spectroscopy |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W39 - Quantum Analogs |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W40 - Optical Pumping |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W41 - Magnetic Torque |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W42 - Foundational Magnetic Susceptibility |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W43 - Direct and Lock-In Measurements of Faraday Rotation |
Barbara Wolff-Reichert |
Workshop |
W44 - Micro-ESR as a Laboratory Teaching Tool |
Christine Hofstetter |
Workshop |
W45 - Laser Cooling and Trapping for Advanced Teaching Laboratories |
Thaddeus Baringer |
Workshop |
W46 - Optics and Photonics Lab Equipment |
Stephan Briggs |
Workshop |
W47 - Electrometer measurements of material properties |
Alan Wadsworth |
Workshop |
W48 - X-ray Physics – Three discrete experiments with the X-ray machine |
Dr. Werner Bietsch |
Workshop |
W49 - Diode pumped Nd:YAG Laser with Frequency Doubling |
Dr. Werner Bietsch |
Workshop |
W50 - How to Make Thermodynamics Relevant |
Ann Hanks |
Workshop |
W51 - VersaLab: a measurement cryostat and teaching curriculum for advanced labs |
Neil Dilley |
Workshop |
W52 - van der Pauw resistivity measurements on wafers, characterizing low resistance materials, and semiconductor characterization |
James Niemann |
Workshop |
W53 - Measurement and Experimentation with MATLAB |
Todd Atkins |
Workshop |
W54 - SQUID measurements of the AC Josephson Effect, Microwave-Induced (Shapiro) Steps at 77K, and h/e |
Robin Cantor |
Workshop |
W55 - Basic Gamma Spectroscopy with a NaI(Tl) Detector |
Roger Stevens |
Workshop |