Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College Proceedings

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are peer reviewed papers due before the conference?
The deadline to submit the paper is before the conference in order to allow reviewers time to evaluate the papers during the conference. This allows reviewers to be influenced by interactions at the poster sessions and oral presentations. Modifications to the submitted paper that address the reviewers' comments can be made after the conference.

I would like to purchase a hardcopy of the BFY Proceedings, how can I do so?
Hardcopies of the BFY Proceedings are not available at this time. The BFY Proceedings are made available online through the AAPT Advanced Laboratories website.

How do I provide a proper bibliographic citation?

Please include the following: Author name(s), Title, (Year) Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College Proceedings, page numbers, doi. For example:

N. Ackerman, A. Lovell, M. Franklin, R. Cupp, Y. Wan, V. Wood, C. Day, and E. Whisnant, Integrating Commercial Solar Panels in the Physics Curriculum, 2015 Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College Proceedings, 4-7, doi:10.1119/

If the citation must be shortened, the following information is the minimum necessary for a valid citation:

N. Ackerman et al., 2015 BFY Proceedings, 4-7.

We strongly suggest providing the doi when possible.